Shattered Places

Shattered Places is a short 2-d platformer game made for an event called Global Game Jam. Global Gam Jam is an event where people around the global get creative and colaborate with one another to express themselves via games. This usually take places in local area to foster community and friendship. This year’s theme was repair, game’s design revolves around the idea of repair in whichever sense the group decides. Shattered Places takes the theme to agrument the viewing screen of the game. The screenshot shows the game screen cracked and missing vision, the task of the player is to go through the levels to retrieve the broken pieces and fix the screen.

There was only 3 people working on this game, I was in charge of game designs and level designs. We were given a short time period of only 48 hours which doesn’t factor in sleeping and eating. Most of the first day was to get ideas flowing and a sense of what the game would be. While the other two memebers of my team was coding the game and making art resources for the game, I was figuring out game play and level progession. A game isn’t really a game without a bit of challenge, I came up with serveral different hazards and puzzle mechanics but time constraint force us to only use a couple of them. The second day was for us to finish up and release the game. I created the levels to be fair while challenging, making use of the blocked vision to hide some platform.

You can get the game at Shattered Places.